I’m desperate because the engine crashes all the time for anything.
I tried with the renderer ‘DirectX’ and ‘OpenGL’ it’s the same.
Eg. I’m looking in the ‘SkyGraph Editor’ part, I’m just browsing categories and all of a sudden crash, no error message (one eg. in video).
Another example, I select a ‘game object’ (Widgets / Geometry shapes n Physic / Physics - Stack sphere) and directly the crash engine (see video).
If I put a wrong command in a script, the engine crashes ...
I have no problem with the other apps I use so the problem is not with my PC.
I have reinstalled Skyline Game Engine several times (uninstalled before) but it’s always the same.
I like this engine and I want to use it but currently impossible.
Please help me!
Video here: https://youtu.be/HPik6PqTF9o
Best Regards,
Since the Game manager LUA script keeps running above all scenes etc it would be great to be able to have it running in editor, this will enable the following and more.
Passing of tables and data like player stats between scenes (levels).
Verify that data written to tables etc in the Game manager script when in editor.
Testing and verifying that all data passed to the manager script is OK..
Having functions in the scene manager script would save from having to copy and paste them into each and every scene and speed up the load times of levels/scenes.
overall I think it would be a great benefit to have it running in editor
Window 7
1) click on “left arrow” to remove a script from some object opens a window
2) nothing selected and click on “left arrow” crashes editor
Navmesh needs a function telling if a destination is inside navmesh or not.
This can be used by AI to know if some destination can be reached.
It’s often used with AI and random movement, fleeing, wandering or other behaviours.
All features should be component based, actually Navmesh is a lua call , there is no component.
Skyline should get a nevmesh component.
There would be parameters exposed to component properties like acceleration , deceleration, distance min make navmesh stop, character radius if it could support avoidance.
Also some Lua functions would be needed :
- IsReachable for example, telling if destination position is inside navmesh
- Lua Access to the result array of navmesh calculation if users want to do something else with the calculated path.
- Lua Stop and resume functions , to be able to interrupt a path navigation and resume it if necessary.
I.e. get navmesh concave so you can get the npc to lean in and fire, the NPC would know that there is an object at a location because of the navmesh data and will know where corners are so it can lean while firing and stay in cover..
There are many many uses for Navmesh data in AI related programming and it gives you more precise control and positioning while seeking out cover than other methods (and the least time consuming) so much better then manually placing cover objects in a scene and getting the npc to position correctly on the corner, manually placing cover objects can be very very resource heavy especially if your doing a full 20km x 20km map.
You can use the Navmesh data with other flags/data on objects in a scene to let the NPC know its a small wall or a object that it can not fire over, overall its about getting the NPC positioning correctly.
This is the preferred method of most AAA and serious game makers.. :)
I.e. get navmesh concave so you can get the npc to lean in and fire, the NPC would know that there is an object at a location because of the navmesh data and will know where corners are so it can lean while firing and stay in cover..
There are many many uses for Navmesh data in AI related programming and it gives you more precise control and positioning while seeking out cover than other methods (and the least time consuming) so much better then manually placing cover objects in a scene and getting the npc to position correctly on the corner.
You can use the Navmesh data with other flags/data on objects in a scene to let the NPC know its a small wall or a object that it can not fire over, overall its about getting the NPC positioning correctly.
This is the preferred method of most AAA and serious game makers.. :)
CanReachPosition (Vec3) :
Returns if a position we ask is inside navmesh or not.
Can have many uses like checking goal position can be reached or random positions are inside navmesh.
NavmeshRaycast(Vec3 start, Vec3 goal):
Like physics raycast, but returns if there is some intersection in the navmesh from a start position to a goal position. It’s should be less expensive than raycast, but allowing to detect ground static obstacles.
There is important Navmesh functions to create advanced AI.
Many are already included in Detour Api, Skyline just needs to interface them to Lua.
Used a lot to create dynamic AI moving everywhere around the player
dtStatus dtNavMeshQuery::findRandomPointAroundCircle(dtPolyRef startRef, const float* centerPos, const float maxRadius
Faster than physics raycast when testing environment, and usefull to identify static walls and obstacles
dtStatus dtNavMeshQuery::raycast(dtPolyRef startRef, const float* startPos, const float* endPos
Navigation cost.
Can be used to compare two possible destination cost or used for gaemplay like checking if sound propagation reaches a destination.
float dtQueryFilter::getCost(const float* pa, const float* pb,
Closest point into a boundary poly
dtStatus dtNavMeshQuery::closestPointOnPolyBoundary(dtPolyRef ref, const float* pos, float* closest)
Gets the path in an array of points, it can be usefull to let the user use the path and create it’s own movement code.
dtStatus dtNavMeshQuery::findPath(dtPolyRef startRef, dtPolyRef endRef,
It’s a little better; but there is still notable rotation issues with navmesh when the character start a new destination.
Rotation stabilizes after some second, but rotation should be controled and smooth.
A rotation speed should also be available as Navmesh parameter to control how fast a character would turn.
1 ) TP Camera Collision
The camera does not move, mouse can only rotate camera up and down.
Character not visible behind models, camera does nothing.