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- Due in Version Feature Requests
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Opened by epsilonion - 03.03.2018
Last edited by epsilonion - 03.03.2018
FS#62 - Web Access / DRM usage etc
I have been thinking about the endgame and if Skyline releases to the steam distribution platform.
Steam seems to be very easy to crack every piece of software/game is available as soon as it comes out via torrents
This way you could create your own DRM to an effect...
Pull data from a steam purchase to a database on your dedicated server/VPS.
When your game loads ask user to login and use there steam email address
Check the email address against your database. etc..
To do this you would have to have access via LUA and pass secure information to and receive it from the server..
1. Lua Web Socket Handles SSL, encryptions etc etc..
2. Use raknet but you would have to write your own Lua lib to work around passing data into lua via curl and passing teh certificate in lua code.
Option 2 would be better for later development when SGE exposes C++ or C# i guess.. and exposing all C++ libs to C# would mean that developers can do this them selves..
It may also be advantageous to be able to pull web data such as a web page so that you can display change logs in the main menu or open another GUI and display the change logs etc... you could also show expansion packs in for the game as they come out.. :)
Maybe putting this in at the same time.. :P