- Status Closed
- Percent Complete
- Severity Low
- Due in Version Feature Requests
- epsilonion (13.02.2018)
Attached to Project: Support Tickets
Opened by SpiderMack - 11.02.2018
Last edited by Jayce Young - 22.03.2018
Opened by SpiderMack - 11.02.2018
Last edited by Jayce Young - 22.03.2018
FS#30 - Better Game Manager
We should not have to manually copy files to create a new game manager.
There should be a “add” and “delete” game manager buttons, to add new game manager copying default game manager files or remove other custom game manager.
In the next version, you can just export with a single scene and not worry about creating a game manager as it will load the first scene it finds and use the default menu and scripts...
When you have more levels or custom loading, then you will need a game manager for your title.
Also, the game manager panel already allows you to create, open, edit and save game manager files: (see attached image).
To delete a game manager file, well this is missing :P