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Attached to Project: Support Tickets
Opened by SpiderMack - 18.02.2018
Last edited by Jayce Young - 19.03.2018

FS#48 - Exported game not run

I created a new game manager and assigned a main scene.
And exported it as .exe in skyline.

When i try to launch 32 or 64 bits, there is a black screen and they close immediatly.

Closed by  Jayce Young
19.03.2018 17:02
Reason for closing:  Works for me
Jayce Young commented on 19.02.2018 11:48

Would you be able to send me the compiled game, i can debug it and fix any errors that have appeared.

SpiderMack commented on 21.02.2018 00:24

I made a new try and i got two error messages and game closed immediatly.
"Could not export secene newScene as there is not binary information skipping Scenes/newScene_SceneData/Binary"

There is no empty scene with menu displayed (because nothing exported).

I found a file "shaderCache_DX11.cache" about 12Mo compressed to 1Mo in Zip file "" ? It is normal such shader cache and size is exported ?

Looking at different folders and file about exported game, it looks like there is any ressources (models or textures) exported unfortunately.

Jayce Young commented on 21.02.2018 15:34

The ShaderCache reduces the compile time of shaders in DX11 at runtime which improves booting time and loading time for the game.
I have chatted with another user and their end game exported fine... perhaps its a process you are doing?

"Could not export secene newScene as there is not binary information skipping Scenes/newScene_SceneData/Binary"
This is usually because you haven't saved your scene before exporting and the game cannot run without the binary data because:
* its faster to load than XML files
* its binary, so the data cannot be edited or changed.

I would love to hear your process or see a video of it all going wrong so we can fix it, its probably something very simple..

SpiderMack commented on 22.02.2018 09:14

All my scenes as saved and there only one main scene included in the game manager.
Publishing with not finding a scene available to stop and have an error like "export not possible without a scene".

I'll make some other tries.
But it shows anyone could do the same, Skyline project management needs to become more stable and reliable.


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