Support Tickets

  • Status Closed
  • Percent Complete
  • Severity Critical
  • Due in Version Bug Report
  • Votes 1
Attached to Project: Support Tickets
Opened by Hannah Young - 10.02.2018
Last edited by Jayce Young - 20.02.2018

FS#21 - End Game Issues

There have been many issues when exporting an end game. These are now in the process of being fixed.

Closed by  Jayce Young
20.02.2018 23:59
Reason for closing:  Completed
Jayce Young commented on 10.02.2018 13:06

If any user encounters scenes that do not export, then please let us now and if possible a copy of the scene or level so it can be fixed quickly :)

Jayce Young commented on 10.02.2018 15:13

Just fixed a crash on game startup that could randomly happen often. It was caused by a video thread call that triggered an update on all clips before it had been initialised. Anyway, i'm hopeful about this fix :)
Edit: Still seems to be around.. carrying on :P

Jayce Young commented on 10.02.2018 19:17

Ok, fixed now. The video was pushed back to a list twice and rendered twice per frame and their was a half timedelta calculation which covered it up. Since that has changed, it hasnt crashed on me while booting.. so for now, this error is fixed....

This thread will be continued to be updated.


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