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Opened by epsilonion - 10.02.2018
Last edited by epsilonion - 08.02.2019

FS#22 - Getting NavMesh Data (helpful for AI programming)

I.e. get navmesh concave so you can get the npc to lean in and fire, the NPC would know that there is an object at a location because of the navmesh data and will know where corners are so it can lean while firing and stay in cover..

There are many many uses for Navmesh data in AI related programming and it gives you more precise control and positioning while seeking out cover than other methods (and the least time consuming) so much better then manually placing cover objects in a scene and getting the npc to position correctly on the corner, manually placing cover objects can be very very resource heavy especially if your doing a full 20km x 20km map.

You can use the Navmesh data with other flags/data on objects in a scene to let the NPC know its a small wall or a object that it can not fire over, overall its about getting the NPC positioning correctly.

This is the preferred method of most AAA and serious game makers.. :)

I.e. get navmesh concave so you can get the npc to lean in and fire, the NPC would know that there is an object at a location because of the navmesh data and will know where corners are so it can lean while firing and stay in cover..

There are many many uses for Navmesh data in AI related programming and it gives you more precise control and positioning while seeking out cover than other methods (and the least time consuming) so much better then manually placing cover objects in a scene and getting the npc to position correctly on the corner.

You can use the Navmesh data with other flags/data on objects in a scene to let the NPC know its a small wall or a object that it can not fire over, overall its about getting the NPC positioning correctly.

This is the preferred method of most AAA and serious game makers.. :)

Jayce Young commented on 11.02.2018 16:55
Jayce Young commented on 08.02.2019 17:20

see other post on navmesh development that has begun: Navmesh Rotation Issues


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