Support Tickets

  • Status Closed
  • Percent Complete
  • Severity Critical
  • Due in Version Bug Report
  • Votes 1
Attached to Project: Support Tickets
Opened by Jayce Young - 17.02.2018
Last edited by Jayce Young - 15.03.2018

FS#43 - Skyline when uninstalls removes asset library

When skyline is uninstalled, the entire asset library is removed which means if any work is saved there, then it is potentially going to be removed. THIS is very bad if making a large project in the asset library. Although it is advisable to make a project external from the install location if you are making a large game to save any pain or use a second library setup in the editor settings.

We have a new plan which should resolve this. which is:

* Asset library that ships with the install will be turned into the System library. This way, we can clear it out and replace with newer files.
* Once we have the system library, then the user library will be the Asset library, which can be placed anywhere outside of the installation directory and where the DLC and any custom user work can be placed.

This has multiple advantages:
1) A constant resource list can be used for the user library which means folders don’t need to be rescanned every time skyline is installed.
2) If and when skyline is uninstalled, only the system library will be removed leaving all files from user side intact.
3) The asset library will be able to be placed anywhere on any HDD with setup instructions inside the editor itself.
4) By default, the asset library can be stored and placed into user documents.

Closed by  Jayce Young
15.03.2018 21:33
Reason for closing:  Completed
Additional comments about closing:  


Jayce Young commented on 04.03.2018 16:33

This task is going well so far and most of the things have been implemented and seem to be working so far..
Current just adding the projects tab to display latest projects that have been edited or worked on which will use the registry to store their locations.

Jayce Young commented on 15.03.2018 21:33

Pretty much completed now and ready for the new version..
Blog to be written also on this.


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