- Status New
- Percent Complete
- Severity Low
- Due in Version Feature Requests
- Votes
Opened by SpiderMack - 18.02.2018
Last edited by SpiderMack - 18.02.2018
FS#46 - Collision volumes without rigidbody
Skyline does not have collision volumes objects without rigidbodies.
This is what is used to create hitboxes, collision zones, character or other objects composed of multiple collision parts.
Those collision volumes are used to have collision and detect collision against other objects or detect collision for raycast. Or to get ragdoll feature possible.
This is mostly used in games for characters , vehicles or any other dynamic entity.
Also used for static objects you want to create a simplified collision using some basic collision volumes.
Yes Skyline already has non physX collision / trigger boxes, please see the GO Triggers for examples. These include sound volumes, damage volumes.
These are not available for characters but for basic shapes.
This is not about triggers.
But about be able to attach as many collision volumes (box, sphere, cylinder, capsule) to any object root or to character bones for many uses.
Collision volumes can be attached to static or dynamic objects
Or they can be attached object or characters with bones for hit boxes or ragdoll.
This a request for collision volumes attaching to characters or any other objects.
yes, as mentioned on the other ticket. this is already planned in :)