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Opened by SpiderMack - 20.02.2018

FS#53 - Support GLTF 2.0 format for extended 3D model exchange

GLFT2.0 is a modern format for modern rendering.

Some engines have open source import/export plugins.

It has some advantages over Collada or FBX formats :

GLTF is a JSON based format. It’s very easy to parse and the data already comes typed.
glTF allows specifying an external file for the big data, in binary format.
glTF’s file structure is crystal clear. No extra or redundant data exists. There is only one way the scene definition can be understood
glTF 2.0 fully supports skeletons and morph targets, which can be parsed easily and unambiguously.
It supports PBR based materials using the Disney/Unreal format, which is what most engines and 3D modelling applications use nowadays
It also handles two-sidedness and transparent materials, including alpha to coverage.
glTF 2.0 supports multiple animations per file,it also supports many key interpolation types, such as Catmull Rom and Cubic Spline.

glTF is developed by individuals from companies such as Microsoft, Unity, Google, Adobe, NVidia, Oculus, etc. in collaboration with Khronos.

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