98 | Feature Requests | Have the Game Manager LUA script running in editor mode | High | 1 | New | |
epsilonion | 07.04.2019 | |
Ticket Description
Since the Game manager LUA script keeps running above all scenes etc it would be great to be able to have it running in editor, this will enable the following and more.
Passing of tables and data like player stats between scenes (levels). Verify that data written to tables etc in the Game manager script when in editor. Testing and verifying that all data passed to the manager script is OK..
Having functions in the scene manager script would save from having to copy and paste them into each and every scene and speed up the load times of levels/scenes.
overall I think it would be a great benefit to have it running in editor
93 | Feature Requests | To have TrackIR intergrated as standard would be great. | Very Low | 1 | New | |
epsilonion | 07.11.2018 | |
Ticket Description
If you can not afford a VR rig many people look towards TrackIR, its been around for longer than the concept of VR and is in many many games. You could have it switched on or off (off as standard)
Featuring a wide field of view, high frame rate, and 6DoF tracking technology, the TrackIR 5 dramatically increases situational awareness, adding depth to the PC gaming experience and pulling you further into the game.
When I first requested this (approx 2 years ago) it was free and you only had to register your game with the software to access the API I dont know about now but it still should be free..
It’s a massive competitive edge in flight and space sims. It changes the game. There’s no going back. It’s that important
The added immersion and freedom puts you close enough to the virtual world for you to lose yourself in it
No doubt about it, TrackIR is a significant advantage in combat, and frankly a far more immersive experience. I can’t play my games without it anymore.
Some of the games using there system:
and many more...
92 | Feature Requests | AI Visual Mechanics kinda thing - Behaviour Trees | Medium | 1 | Completed | |
epsilonion | 25.08.2018 | |
Ticket Description
Is it possible for you to create a feature within the Visual Mechanics for AI..
Something like
There are some lib’s on github for cover, suppression etc that you could look into for this feature. Having a built in AI editor or an extension of the Visual Mechanics would help skyline appeal to gamers for making games and is already a part of the BIG engines out there and would help skyline shine above all other indie engines..
90 | Feature Requests | Attach to a BONE. | Medium | 1 | Closed | |
epsilonion | 06.07.2018 | 13.07.2018 |
Ticket Description
I am working on hit boxes and would like to be able to attach hit boxes to bones, this allows the box to move with the arms and legs making shooting the NPC/players better as we have all complained about games with bad hitboxes in the past or large hitboxes when they could not be attached using the method that i would like to here..
89 | Feature Requests | Raknet Plugins | High | 1 | New | |
Shando | 16.06.2018 | 06.07.2018 |
Ticket Description
Please implement RakNet Plugins such as Lobby2Client - PC, Lobby2Client - Steam, TeamManager etc.
87 | Feature Requests | Key bind for Grid snap | Medium | 1 | Closed | |
Jayce Young | 06.05.2018 | 08.08.2018 |
Ticket Description
Requested by user TattieBoJangle, a key bind is needed for example key “V” so the snapping and be enabled and disabled easily.
85 | Feature Requests | Implementation - Navmesh DetourNavMeshQuery functions | Low | | Processing | |
SpiderMack | 16.04.2018 | 08.02.2019 |
Ticket Description
There is important Navmesh functions to create advanced AI.
Many are already included in Detour Api, Skyline just needs to interface them to Lua.
Used a lot to create dynamic AI moving everywhere around the player
dtStatus dtNavMeshQuery::findRandomPointAroundCircle(dtPolyRef startRef, const float* centerPos, const float maxRadius
Faster than physics raycast when testing environment, and usefull to identify static walls and obstacles
dtStatus dtNavMeshQuery::raycast(dtPolyRef startRef, const float* startPos, const float* endPos
Navigation cost. Can be used to compare two possible destination cost or used for gaemplay like checking if sound propagation reaches a destination.
float dtQueryFilter::getCost(const float* pa, const float* pb,
Closest point into a boundary poly
dtStatus dtNavMeshQuery::closestPointOnPolyBoundary(dtPolyRef ref, const float* pos, float* closest)
Gets the path in an array of points, it can be usefull to let the user use the path and create it’s own movement code.
dtStatus dtNavMeshQuery::findPath(dtPolyRef startRef, dtPolyRef endRef,
79 | Feature Requests | Material Sub panel to show material names | Low | | New | |
Jayce Young | 05.04.2018 | |
Ticket Description
TattieBoJangle has requested that the material sub panel show the material names on the icons so you know what material is assigned.
76 | Feature Requests | Feature request - Navmesh is destination inside | Low | 1 | Processing | |
SpiderMack | 18.03.2018 | 08.02.2019 |
Ticket Description
Navmesh needs a function telling if a destination is inside navmesh or not. This can be used by AI to know if some destination can be reached. It’s often used with AI and random movement, fleeing, wandering or other behaviours.
75 | Feature Requests | Feature request - Physics shape adjust size | Low | | New | |
SpiderMack | 17.03.2018 | |
Ticket Description
Box collision size can’t quickly be adjusted in the physics properties. For example adding a box collision to a tree objects,the box is too big and can be adjusted in the editor. It’s the same for other physics shapes.
72 | Feature Requests | Feature request - Directionnal Light | Low | | New | |
SpiderMack | 16.03.2018 | 22.03.2018 |
Ticket Description
Like most 3D engine, add a new object type that is directional light users can place, remove or control with script. It makes possible having several directional lights active or activated individually. And remove Sun light parameters under light tools or make it optional.
71 | Feature Requests | Feature request - Regroup lighting and environment sett... | Low | | New | |
SpiderMack | 16.03.2018 | 22.03.2018 |
Ticket Description
Lighting is scattered all around in Skyline, you discover some default parameters you must change are on Light tools for example you never got the idea it was here.
Those could be grouped on same window or same menu : - Environment setup - Sun light and Atmospheric hidden under light tools - Post effects
70 | Feature Requests | Feature request - Tone mapping , DOF, color grading | Low | | Researching | |
SpiderMack | 16.03.2018 | 22.03.2018 |
Ticket Description
Common post effects are missing to get better graphics.
-ACES tone mapping -DOF -color grading -chromatic aberration
This is the lighting tweaking lot of time in Skyline
67 | Feature Requests | Feature request- Nav Agent TurnSpeed function | Low | 1 | New | |
SpiderMack | 16.03.2018 | |
Ticket Description
Navmesh API needs a function to allow us to setup the agent max turning speed.
Some characters could be heavy with lower turning speed. It’s useful to tweak agent turning speed looking more natural and not too fast.
66 | Feature Requests | RTT - Render to texture | Medium | 1 | Processing | |
epsilonion | 07.03.2018 | 08.08.2018 |
Ticket Description
This is an old request.
Been able to render to texture using a camera in scene would help when making mini-maps, CCTV (say cameras in a prison and they monitor the inmates.
Been able to use a camera as a transmitter for Render to Texture would be awesome.
65 | Feature Requests | GUI Editor - Drag and drop of textures to be exposed | High | 1 | Closed | |
epsilonion | 06.03.2018 | 13.07.2018 |
Ticket Description
To expose dragging and dropping of textures feature that is already in the GUI system that is used..
This way you could easily drag from the inventory to the tool bar (press 1 for gun press 2 for medikit etc) that the player uses a sort of equipped items like you see in nearly every game these days..
It would save on time and workflow of users allowing them to quickly get a player system up and running asap.. it would replace having to code and track the mouse location while LMB is held and released to a co-ord on the screen and if that co-ord is xxx container then put it in slot xx.. then change textures of these slots etc etc..
Just using the existing system you could just use it through the hooks that could be exposed and miss half of the coding needed..
63 | Feature Requests | Navmesh component | Low | | Processing | |
SpiderMack | 03.03.2018 | 08.02.2019 |
Ticket Description
All features should be component based, actually Navmesh is a lua call , there is no component.
Skyline should get a nevmesh component. There would be parameters exposed to component properties like acceleration , deceleration, distance min make navmesh stop, character radius if it could support avoidance.
Also some Lua functions would be needed : - IsReachable for example, telling if destination position is inside navmesh - Lua Access to the result array of navmesh calculation if users want to do something else with the calculated path. - Lua Stop and resume functions , to be able to interrupt a path navigation and resume it if necessary.
62 | Feature Requests | Web Access / DRM usage etc | Low | | New | |
epsilonion | 03.03.2018 | 03.03.2018 |
Ticket Description
I have been thinking about the endgame and if Skyline releases to the steam distribution platform.
Steam seems to be very easy to crack every piece of software/game is available as soon as it comes out via torrents This way you could create your own DRM to an effect...
Pull data from a steam purchase to a database on your dedicated server/VPS. When your game loads ask user to login and use there steam email address Check the email address against your database. etc..
To do this you would have to have access via LUA and pass secure information to and receive it from the server..
1. Lua Web Socket Handles SSL, encryptions etc etc.. 2. Use raknet but you would have to write your own Lua lib to work around passing data into lua via curl and passing teh certificate in lua code.
Option 2 would be better for later development when SGE exposes C++ or C# i guess.. and exposing all C++ libs to C# would mean that developers can do this them selves..
61 | Feature Requests | Headerless Server | High | 2 | Processing | |
Shando | 02.03.2018 | |
Ticket Description
Please implement a Headerless Server
58 | Feature Requests | Mouse Wheel Input | High | 5 | Closed | |
planetX | 28.02.2018 | 23.07.2018 |
Ticket Description
Missing Lua command for mouse wheel value detection.
54 | Feature Requests | New project management and packages | Low | 2 | Closed | |
SpiderMack | 21.02.2018 | 22.03.2018 |
Ticket Description
Actually creating and using a new project in Skyline is confusing there is no real project structure and it’s and not easy to manage.
Instead it should get a common modern projects structure.
1) Launching skyline would show a list of referenced projects that have been created (a common way of managing projects)
With buttons to :
create a new project
Delete a project
Import a project on list from a folder location
2) A new project :
would have it's own new game manager and only one that could be modified
(no need to load again a game manager each time we open a project)
would only uses it's own assets from it's own "Assets" directory
no links to Skyline installation "Assets" folders to avoid any confusion
3) When working on a project, each scene created belongs to that project only.
A default main empty (or empty with menus) scene is defined when creating a new project.
4) Packages (or templates)
Ability to specify what assets to include in the new projects "Assets" folder using packages (or templates) when creating it.
packages would be folders structure with different content that would be imported and copied to the new project "Assets" folder.
Packages could be ziped or non ziped folder structure and content to deploy on project "Assets" folder
Creating a new projects there would be a list of packages to choose from to include in the new project : - complete “Assets” (all content from Skyline installation folder “Assets”) by default checkbox would be checked - Tps template (some characters models, some effects, and scripts) - nature content - Sci Fi content - primitives
Checking nothing , it would create and empty project with the minimum to create an empty scene (no textures, no 3D models , no particles, no scripts, no micrographs)
Users would be able to create packages for anyone to use.
53 | Feature Requests | Support GLTF 2.0 format for extended 3D model exchange | Low | | Delayed | |
SpiderMack | 20.02.2018 | |
Ticket Description
GLFT2.0 is a modern format for modern rendering.
Some engines have open source import/export plugins.
It has some advantages over Collada or FBX formats :
GLTF is a JSON based format. It’s very easy to parse and the data already comes typed. glTF allows specifying an external file for the big data, in binary format. glTF’s file structure is crystal clear. No extra or redundant data exists. There is only one way the scene definition can be understood glTF 2.0 fully supports skeletons and morph targets, which can be parsed easily and unambiguously. It supports PBR based materials using the Disney/Unreal format, which is what most engines and 3D modelling applications use nowadays It also handles two-sidedness and transparent materials, including alpha to coverage. glTF 2.0 supports multiple animations per file,it also supports many key interpolation types, such as Catmull Rom and Cubic Spline.
glTF is developed by individuals from companies such as Microsoft, Unity, Google, Adobe, NVidia, Oculus, etc. in collaboration with Khronos.
You can read more here
51 | Feature Requests | Asset Manager - Filter | Low | | New | |
epsilonion | 20.02.2018 | |
Ticket Description
Videos .ovg shuld be added to the filters so you can see them..
46 | Feature Requests | Collision volumes without rigidbody | Low | | New | |
SpiderMack | 18.02.2018 | 18.02.2018 |
Ticket Description
Skyline does not have collision volumes objects without rigidbodies.
This is what is used to create hitboxes, collision zones, character or other objects composed of multiple collision parts.
Those collision volumes are used to have collision and detect collision against other objects or detect collision for raycast. Or to get ragdoll feature possible.
This is mostly used in games for characters , vehicles or any other dynamic entity. Also used for static objects you want to create a simplified collision using some basic collision volumes.
45 | Feature Requests | Game analytics | Low | | New | |
epsilonion | 17.02.2018 | |
Ticket Description
Implementation of Game Analytics maybe a good feature for gaining analytics on the fly while users are playing the end game..
Commands could contain: Disable Enable Send generic Event Send Progress event Send Error Event etc etc
You can check for error that users may have, Player progression, Find your top performing audiences for future advertising, see how gameplay influences player retention,
42 | Feature Requests | Feature Request - Gen 1 Ocean System | Low | 1 | New | |
epsilonion | 16.02.2018 | 22.03.2018 |
Ticket Description
the Ocean system in gen 1 was powerful, easy to use and gave you all the options you could ever want (or need) at a couple of clicks of the mouse, this system would be wasted if not brought into the Second generation of Skyline Game Engine
41 | Feature Requests | Feature Request - Gen1 Volumetric clouds Ported to Gen2 | Low | 1 | New | |
epsilonion | 16.02.2018 | |
Ticket Description
The System in gen 1 for volumetric clouds was a great system it would be great to see it in Gen 2.
36 | Feature Requests | Material sliders to shader range | Low | | Delayed | |
SpiderMack | 12.02.2018 | 12.02.2018 |
Ticket Description
Material sliders have sliders with big range values bigger than 1000.
It would be more accurate and better with slider range values be the same as shaders range values 0 to 1.
34 | Feature Requests | Atmosphear scattering | Low | 1 | New | |
SpiderMack | 12.02.2018 | 12.02.2018 |
Ticket Description
A good addition to skybox is to have an optionnal atmosphear scattering.
33 | Feature Requests | Reflection probes | Low | 2 | Processing | |
SpiderMack | 12.02.2018 | 02.03.2018 |
Ticket Description
Reflection probes volumes baking for materials rendering.
Be able to add or delete reflection probes volumes per scene.
Skyline will blend reflection probes volumes overlapping when rendering to avoid seems.
If no reflection probes are setup in the scene Skyline will fallback using a default scene skybox.
And have some parameters to tweaks, like resolution.
30 | Feature Requests | Better Game Manager | Low | 1 | Closed | |
SpiderMack | 11.02.2018 | 22.03.2018 |
Ticket Description
We should not have to manually copy files to create a new game manager.
There should be a “add” and “delete” game manager buttons, to add new game manager copying default game manager files or remove other custom game manager.
28 | Feature Requests | RigidBody constraints | Low | | New | |
SpiderMack | 11.02.2018 | |
Ticket Description
Like most engines be able to setup Physics constraints for movement and rotations on X,Y,Z axis.
27 | Feature Requests | Multi collision volumes per character | Medium | | Researching | |
SpiderMack | 11.02.2018 | 13.07.2018 |
Ticket Description
Support for multiple collision volumes for characters, for hit boxes or weapons damage volumes. https://s1.postimg.org/5koeezqgrj/collisions.jpg
26 | Feature Requests | Update Physix engine version | Critical | 1 | Processing | |
SpiderMack | 11.02.2018 | 03.09.2018 |
Ticket Description
Acutal Physix engine used by Skyline is v2.8.6.4 , it’s a ten years old version. Skyline should update to latest version.
25 | Feature Requests | Fracturing / Exploding assets | Low | 1 | New | |
Mike Felker | 10.02.2018 | 11.02.2018 |
Ticket Description
For many games, hurling a rocket or grenade and then watch the 3D asset explode into fragments is common. Likewise, fracturing a wall into chunks is all important- like hiding a cave wall that is able to be fractured.
Here is an example: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/fracturing-destruction-9411
24 | Feature Requests | Cutscene editor | Low | 2 | Closed | |
Mike Felker | 10.02.2018 | 12.02.2018 |
Ticket Description
We need a way to create cut scenes in engine - use virtual cameras to take cinematic shots and record to a file we can then play back.
23 | Feature Requests | Post Processing Volumes | Medium | | Researching | |
Hannah Young | 10.02.2018 | 13.07.2018 |
Ticket Description
A box volume for when the player enters it can set/adjust various post effects.
22 | Feature Requests | Getting NavMesh Data (helpful for AI programming) | Medium | 1 | Processing | |
epsilonion | 10.02.2018 | 08.02.2019 |
Ticket Description
I.e. get navmesh concave so you can get the npc to lean in and fire, the NPC would know that there is an object at a location because of the navmesh data and will know where corners are so it can lean while firing and stay in cover..
There are many many uses for Navmesh data in AI related programming and it gives you more precise control and positioning while seeking out cover than other methods (and the least time consuming) so much better then manually placing cover objects in a scene and getting the npc to position correctly on the corner, manually placing cover objects can be very very resource heavy especially if your doing a full 20km x 20km map.
You can use the Navmesh data with other flags/data on objects in a scene to let the NPC know its a small wall or a object that it can not fire over, overall its about getting the NPC positioning correctly.
This is the preferred method of most AAA and serious game makers.. :)
I.e. get navmesh concave so you can get the npc to lean in and fire, the NPC would know that there is an object at a location because of the navmesh data and will know where corners are so it can lean while firing and stay in cover..
There are many many uses for Navmesh data in AI related programming and it gives you more precise control and positioning while seeking out cover than other methods (and the least time consuming) so much better then manually placing cover objects in a scene and getting the npc to position correctly on the corner.
You can use the Navmesh data with other flags/data on objects in a scene to let the NPC know its a small wall or a object that it can not fire over, overall its about getting the NPC positioning correctly.
This is the preferred method of most AAA and serious game makers.. :)
20 | Feature Requests | Batch Reset Pivot in Asset Manager | High | 1 | Closed | |
Jayce Young | 08.02.2018 | |
Ticket Description
Batch reset the pivot position of all meshes based on the selected condition from a RMB context menu inside the asset manager explorer tree view.
19 | Feature Requests | Encryption on Editor Plugins | Low | 1 | Closed | |
Jayce Young | 08.02.2018 | 08.02.2018 |
Ticket Description
We need the ability to encrypt a plugin that is made so the contents of the UI and LUA files cannot be accessed and changed or taken for personal use. This will allow people to keep their editor plugins secure and sell them on the store...
18 | Feature Requests | Need true grouping in editor | High | 3 | Processing | |
Mike Felker | 08.02.2018 | 13.07.2018 |
Ticket Description
We need the ability to multiselect assets and group them as one mesh while keeping them separate. I know you can put assets in folders and CTRL-CLICK them to move them as a group, but it’s not the same as true grouping.
17 | Feature Requests | Ecosystem (mesh) painter badly needed | High | 3 | Closed | |
Mike Felker | 08.02.2018 | 14.06.2018 |
Ticket Description
We need the ecosystem (mesh) painter working. There is no good way to create grass, forests and large areas of flora and fauna without it.
16 | Feature Requests | Testing the Roadmap feature | Low | | Closed | |
Hannah Young | 08.02.2018 | 08.02.2018 |
Ticket Description
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed ex non erat facilisis commodo. Duis ac enim nunc. Curabitur quis facilisis urna. Cras in posuere metus. Aliquam finibus arcu eget purus interdum viverra. Nunc commodo mollis leo, nec posuere metus. Vivamus non diam ac odio rhoncus dignissim. Suspendisse volutpat tincidunt turpis id gravida. Ut aliquet condimentum iaculis. Vivamus faucibus velit ac erat dapibus feugiat. Pellentesque a tortor maximus, luctus leo tincidunt, hendrerit tellus. Aliquam pharetra augue et scelerisque tempus.
Nunc ultricies nunc at lorem auctor, eu tempor ex pretium. Proin eu lorem vel arcu imperdiet venenatis. Nunc malesuada a ligula vel tincidunt. Mauris pretium luctus nibh, ut vestibulum urna tincidunt ut. Curabitur luctus turpis non leo dapibus porttitor. Phasellus ultricies tortor dui. Morbi diam ipsum, consequat lacinia consectetur interdum, commodo eu risus.
Pellentesque pellentesque ultrices ligula id porta. Proin ligula urna, elementum sit amet sapien sed, porta maximus velit. Nullam tempor dui dictum, vehicula libero laoreet, semper tortor. Maecenas aliquam non erat non tempor. Sed blandit elit ipsum, a accumsan nunc commodo at. Phasellus finibus ut odio sed commodo. Donec posuere sagittis rutrum. Morbi laoreet lectus ut est venenatis dignissim. Donec et sem diam.
15 | Feature Requests | Physics shapes size in properties | Low | | New | |
Hannah Young | 07.02.2018 | |
Ticket Description
Adding sphere or cube rigid body to some character, we can’t change the shape sizes in the editor properties. Capsule dimensions are also not available in properties.
14 | Feature Requests | Additional Shaders effects | Low | | New | |
Hannah Young | 07.02.2018 | |
Ticket Description
Some common shaders would be cool :)
toon shading with optionnal outlines sub surface scattering furr low gpu cost shader
13 | Feature Requests | anti aliasing & soft particles | Low | | New | |
Hannah Young | 07.02.2018 | |
Ticket Description
Anti aliasing, perhaps MSAA and a faster one like FXAA. Soft particles for great effects.
12 | Feature Requests | Decal system | Low | 2 | Researching | |
Hannah Young | 07.02.2018 | 10.01.2019 |
Ticket Description
Different decals systems
I mean for example you have a pool of 30 bullet decals created at game start, when you spawn a decal somewhere it uses a decal from the decal pool list. If you have spanwed the last 30 decals, next time it will take the first decal and position it to the new position request.
Game objects for click placement is great for fast decals. Advanced decals bending on geometry would be a great addition later.
11 | Feature Requests | Navmesh functions | Low | 1 | Processing | |
Hannah Young | 07.02.2018 | 08.02.2019 |
Ticket Description
CanReachPosition (Vec3) : Returns if a position we ask is inside navmesh or not. Can have many uses like checking goal position can be reached or random positions are inside navmesh.
NavmeshRaycast(Vec3 start, Vec3 goal): Like physics raycast, but returns if there is some intersection in the navmesh from a start position to a goal position. It’s should be less expensive than raycast, but allowing to detect ground static obstacles.
10 | Feature Requests | Animation callbacks | Low | | Closed | |
Hannah Young | 07.02.2018 | 17.08.2018 |
Ticket Description
Be able to define functions names and position them inside animation. This has lot of uses like footsetps, right attack timing or any other actions.
This can be done with timers, but callbacks will decrease the code lenght while making it lightweight.
9 | Feature Requests | Better Prefabs | Low | | Processing | |
Hannah Young | 07.02.2018 | 08.08.2018 |
Ticket Description
Skyline prefab system is more like a grouping system, when you drop one in the scene you got all group items in the hierarchy view.
Instead make a real prefab system, a prefab is a new file type, dropping a prefab in the scene displays only one object prefab without child objects in hierarchy tree. It’s more clear and efficient.
8 | Feature Requests | Disable gravity per object | Low | | New | |
Hannah Young | 07.02.2018 | |
Ticket Description
The object will continue to react to physic forces, but it will not use gravity. This is used a lot for new and fun gameplay styles.
Nvidia functions description http://docs.nvidia.com/gameworks/content/gameworkslibrary/physx/guide/Manual/RigidBodyDynamics.html
7 | Feature Requests | Easy Hierarchy child objects | Medium | 1 | Closed | |
Hannah Young | 07.02.2018 | 08.08.2018 |
Ticket Description
Skyline has object attachement script that is working.
Why not proposing later a simple way of adding child objects with hierarchy view drag and drop objects.
6 | Feature Requests | Multi collision objects per object | Low | | New | |
Hannah Young | 07.02.2018 | |
Ticket Description
Be able to add mutliple collision volumes per object. This could be usefull some times to get low poly approximate collisions. Or a tool able to create some low poly collision volumes automatically from a mesh.
Those additions could be useful.
5 | Feature Requests | Show Hide object or folders in hierarchy | Medium | | Processing | |
Hannah Young | 07.02.2018 | |
Ticket Description
Have a new icon on hierarchy list to show/hide objects or folders containing a list of objects.
This is usefull for level design, for example you could hide different group of objects similar to show hide layers. For example you could hide roof top objects or large objects, to be able to view some interiors and start placing small props.