Support Tickets

Skyline Game Engine - Bug and Feature Tracker

This Bug Tracker is used to manage the bugs that are currently in the Skyline Game Engine that require attention and any features requests you would like to see in a future update.

When posting please be as descriptive as possible and provide as much information as possible, it is always a great help to have a video or images to show the issue as this will aid us in resolving the issue quickly.

Reporting an issue:

  • Please use the correct labels and projects when reporting an issue.
  • Give a descriptive but short report of what the bug is for the description title.
  • Then give an accurate and populated report in the main description box
  • Assign the Bug, Request or other task type.


If you want a bug or feature request completed earlier please use the voting option from the task page. Click the +1 in the vote option on the left hand side.
We will try to book in features with a higher number of votes.

If you have any questions, then please post to our official forums.

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